Forum for fantoms/s, fantomx6/7/8, fantomxr and fantomxa 28 posts page 2 of 2 1, 2 re, windows 10, how i got fantom x usb drivers to 7 x64 but you can also buy products through usb driver I have a fantom x6 that recently developed an issueI'm a lucky owner of a Fantom XR module I was really disappointed when I discovered that latest OSX sistems were no more supported by Roland Fantom X Editor The rack module display is very small and there is no way to manage all the tons of controls, thisJan 13, 17 · This is the new Editor/Librarian software for Version 2 of the Fantom The also contains the sample convert software for use with S 7 NOTE Only use this software with Fantom X6,7,8, and XR units running Version 2 Roland Fantom Xr V2 02 Sample Tools W Manuals 528mb Max Ram Software Editor Roland fantom xr editor software